
Mlečni hlepčići / Milk buns

  Please scroll down for the recipe in English

Jednostavno su nedoljivi...

Originalni recept je možete videti ovde.

Za testo

  • 500 gr brašna
  • 10 gr soli
  • 20 gr svežeg kvasca
  • 1 žumance
  • 150-200 ml mleka
  •  50 gr putera na sobnoj temperaturi
  •  1belance

Za Tang Zhong starter

  • 25 gr brašna
  • 60 ml vode
  • 60 ml mleka
25gr brašna, 60 ml mleka i 60 ml vode sve zajedno ukuvajte na srednjoj vatri stalno mešajući dok masa ne postane jednolična i svilenkasta, gustine pudinga. Ostavite da se dobro prohladi.

Pomešajte suve sastojke (brašno, šećer, so) i dodajte Tangzhong koji je na sobnoj temperaturi, žumance i 150 ml mleka. Na kraju dodajte puter. Ukoliko je potrebno dodajte još malko mleka kako biste dobili elastičnu i homogenu masu. Mesite par minuta dok testo ne prestane da se lepi.

Formirajte loptu, prekrijte vanglu providnom folijom i krpom i stavite na toplo mesto da raste. Posle sat vremena podelite testo. Ja sam pravila mini hlepčiće tako da sam pravila loptice od 60ak grama. Na vama je da izaberete. Ako se odlučite za veliki hleb od cele smese stavite ga u pleh prekriven papirom za pečenje. Ostavite testo još pola sata prekriveno vlažnom krpom.
Ako pravite manje hlepčiće, posle pola sata ih oblikujte po želji i poređajte po plehu. Umutite blago belance viljuškom i premažite testo sa njim. Zasecite testo oštrim nožem na par mesta i stavite u rernu zagrejanu na 160 stepeni oko 25-30 minuta. Dok ne dobiju zlatno braon boju. 

Prijatno :)

Milk buns

Click here for the original recipe.

For the dough:

  • 500 gr flour
  • 10 gr salt
  • 20 gr fresh yeast or 10gr of dry one
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 150-200 ml milk
  •  50 gr butter on room temperature
  •  1 egg white

For Tang Zhong starter

  • 25 gr flour
  • 60 ml water
  • 60 ml milk
Mix all the ingredients for the starter and simmer them while stirring constantly until it becomes smooth and silky like, pudding thickness. Let it cool.

Mix all the dry ingredients and and Tangzhong which has cooled off to room temperature, the egg yolk and 150 ml of milk. Lastly add the butter. If needed add some more milk to form an elastic and homogenous dough. Knead for a few minutes until it stops sticking to the bowl. Form a ball from the dough, cover the bowl with clean film and a kitchen towel and let it sit for an hour in a warm place.
After an hour, when the dough has doubled in size. Divide it into 60 gr balls and let it sit for another half an hour covered with a damp cloth. 

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees C. Place the rolls on a baking tray covered with baking paper, brush them with a lightly beaten egg white and scar them with a sharp knife.
Bake them for about 25 minutes until golden brown.


  1. Odavno nisam pravila ovaj starter... moram opet što pre... verujem da su hlepčići super.
